If you were ever interested in the links between mental health and nutrition this webpage dishes up a feast of information.

If you were ever interested in the links between mental health and nutrition this webpage dishes up a feast of information.
For anyone interested in the relationship between the mind and body, this website may have some interesting information for you
Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) is always held during the week of World Mental Health Day (10 October). MHAW this year is taking place from 9-15 October and this year’s theme is: Nature is Key! This follows on from last year’s theme which was about connecting with nature .
Checkout the dedicated MHAW website for more information.
The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy.
In this article, in the link above, is by Jonathan Shedler of the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine and describes what Psychodynamic Psychotherapy actually is and the evidence base for its effectiveness.
TransformHealth has moved its clinic from Melling to Whitby. Patients will be able to receive therapy from the new premises in late May 2016.